Hair Growth Treatment

Hair Transplant Clinic in Hyderabad

Hair fall in various forms has become a common complaint in today’s day and age. Diffuse hair loss is a common cause of stress and panic in most individuals who suffer from this leading to hair transplant clinic being employed in various forms including numerous home remedies.

We provide Hair Loss Treatment in the following forms, depending upon the condition, severity and the goal of the patient:

  • Intralesional injections for alopecia areata.
  • Platelet rich plasma – This hair transplant clinic in hyderabad is a bridge between medical and surgical treatment. Here the patients blood is taken and then undergoes a process called centrifugation in order to extract the platelet rich segment from the blood which is then injected into the scalp. At Dr Kandhari’s we use a special technique in order to make the procedure almost painless for our patients.
  • For further details kindly view the video below:
  • Stem cell treatment, microneedling and mesotherapy for androgenetic alopecia. These are add on or adjuvant treatments for someone not responding to conventional medical treatment or wanting a faster result. Here growth factors along with vitamins and essential nutrients are injected into the scalp for boosting the growth of strong and healthy hair.

Surgical options for advanced cases of male and female pattern hair loss in the form of hair transplantation are carried out to give our patients optimal outcomes and freedom from their hair fall and also a renewed confidence.

The most commonly used Hair Transplant Clinic techniques today include FUE & FUT methods. FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction while FUT is Follicular Unit Transplant. In FUE hair follicles are randomly taken from the scalp which makes the hair less dense but it is hardly noticeable. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which one hair graft is transplanted at a time. This technique is comparatively less painful and has lesser downtime than the FUT method.

FUT is also known as the Strip Technique because in this method a strip of tissues is removed generally from the back of the head. Then the required hair follicles will be extracted from this strip. In a single session of FUT, multiple grafts can be implanted and therefore it is mostly advised for people dealing with complete baldness as the results will be consistent.